Sunday, September 19, 2010

Its Time.

Its finally time to start our gossip blog. it would have been made sooner but SOMEBODY dropped the ball on it and never got it done. So here it is in all its glory. This blog is to be used to update any and all whitmore's on each others lives. You can sign your posts or do it anonymously depending on the content of the post. For instance, if you were going to talk about how so and so wore the ugliest outfit the other day, i would leave out your name. But that wouldn't be very nice to say so maybe you should just keep it to yourself. Ideally, i would like this to be a successful blog and therefore request that everyone post at LEAST once a month. I will keep track and i will hunt you down if you don't. So here it is. Post number one. Isn't this fun already?
-gossip girl.

just kidding. its amy btw. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' the blog thanks Amy. Hope for lots of success! --Kim
