Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bryn's exciting life.

Hello Family, 
Amy was threatening my life if I did not post something. Warning to those who have not posted, Amy will find you...she will get you. Post, before its too late. Anyways, life here at BYU is great! I am finally not a lame loser freshman anymore (no offense Blaine and Melissa). I live in an apartment with five other girls at liberty square. I really like it so far. Its close to campus and really social. No boyfriend, but there are lots of RM's in my ward so you never no. I was called as FHE leader in my ward which means I have to plan lots of FHE activities this semester so any ideas would be appreciated. School is hard but I really enjoy all my classes. I am taking Physics, Chem, Geography, Public Health, and D&C. There is a reason I am taking Physics and Chem in the same semester. I really want to major in Public Health with an emphesis in health science, which means I have to take a lot of science classes here at the Y. Public Health is an awesome major for those of you who have no idea what it is. Jessica majored in it and Amy is planning on majoring in it also. Amy just wants to do everything I do. Anyways Public Health is the science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting heath to large populations of people. I am not exactly sure what direction I want to go with this but its an exciting major that has lots of opportunities. Well that's my life as of right now. Not to exciting. The picture I posted is of when I went to the dinosaur museum at thanksgiving point with my roommates a couple weekends ago.



  1. Are you still writing your missionary?? That's the burning question.


  2. EXCUSE ME! i am older therefore YOU and following ME!!!!!

  3. Ummm just because I go to UVU and it's called something different you can still include me in the list of people majoring in Public Health!!

  4. Okay, well......I might be kind of lame but Blaine is hot stuff so I'd take back what you said. Like he's got like a million girls following him around. And they're always asking for his number and his love. But he don't got time for messin' around cuz he's so freaky-fresh. Maybe I'll be as cool as him someday.


  5. Tiersha! I could not feel more terrible. Tiersha is also doing Public Health everyone. We are like a little gang within the Whitmore group. The public health gang. Also, I am still writing my missionary. Not very often but every once and a while. He is working hard and loving every bit of being a missionary. He is almost at his year mark so one more year!!
