Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Locks of love....

.... I CHOPPED MY HAIR! It was slightly impulsive in the sense that I decided I wanted to do it, told Amy, and she pretty much cut it an hour later maybe. No time to think. Just time to cut. I have cut my hair like this before a few times, which is why it didn't really freak me out - if you know me, you know I always do drastic haircuts. I was ready for a change, especially for Africa this summer (woot woot) and now I can actually brush through my hair with complete EASE! You have no idea how happy that makes me! So yeah..... crazy, but here it is! What are your thoughts? Do I look older or younger now? I cannot decide.

Thanks for allowing me to be impulsive Ames!



  1. LOVE IT!!!! I personally think you look older!!! It looks great!!

  2. you look older for sure! love it!

