Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello family,
 I figured it had been much too long since my last update. School is going very well. I think I am doing pretty well in most of my classes, although I can tell that I am starting to slack off as the semester comes to a close. I love my apartment and my roommates! I definitely like apartment life more then dorm life. Three of my roommates I met last year in the dorms and the other two are friends from back home. We all enjoy each others company and have yet to have any drama...knock on wood. Other things I am doing with my life.... I play soccer and volleyball intermirals right now. I am actually the captain of my volleyball team. I also just bought a pass to Sundance so I am very anxious for the snow to arrive so I can get on that mountain! Other then that, I am normally hanging out with my roommates or with Amy. Normally with Amy though. In fact many people have commented on the fact that Amy and I hang out a lot. We just love each other. I have accompanied her to many of her ward activities so a lot of people in her ward think that I am in there ward. Its like having two wards!!
 Alright, I know most of the above information is simply a bore to most people so lets cut the crap and get to the good stuff. The rumors were in fact true about the hook up. It happened to be with a friend from NY that I have always had a crush on. Nothing has happened with that since then however. We agreed to be friends and nothing more. I still hang out with him a lot without any awkwardness which is great! I have also gone on a couple dates with this one kid in my ward named Evan who I think is cool. I don't know if anything will happen with him though. Finally there is a kid in Amy's ward named Dan that I have a small crush on. The pictures are below are of Dan and Evan. Can we please have a poll on which one is cuter. It would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that if either of these two boys knew I was posting their picture on this blog it would make me look extremely creepy, so naturally this information is confidential.

xoxo Bryn


  1. Dan for sure! I've met him and I approve! He reminds me of Amy's Ryan...haha

  2. haha i love this post. Thank you for posting. it warms my heart.

  3. Whoever is on the top picture! Too cute. You guys would make such cute babies.

  4. lets not get ahead of ourselves but thank you for the comments.

  5. I like Dan! What a cutie Bryn!! I want to meet him next time I'm down!


  6. I don't think these pictures are very fair. The pictures are too different. I mean I would much rather be depicted as the non-glasses, non-suit guy who does adventurous things on my free time- like make Guy Fawkes dummies and burn them- instead of going to church. Plus, the guy in the bottom pic didn't even get to have bryn in the picture and let's face it she makes the picture like 100 times better.

  7. hahaha so true. The pictures are not evenly matched. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of Evan and I. Although I think I do like Dan a little more. I'm going a date with him this weekend. I'll let you all know how it goes.


  8. i'm telling mom you said crap and i'm going to go with the guy in the glasses.

  9. you would go with the guy in the glasses....always got to be different.

