Sunday, December 26, 2010

In the Big Leagues

Seasons Greetings, and the merriest of Christmases to everyone.

So this break has been rather good for Jordan and myself. We have been pampered by family, tanned by the sun, and right in the middle of lunch last week I got a call from an agency called StruckAxiom.

They do some amazing stuff, here is their website.  I have been hired under the title "Social Media Coordinator." In a nut-shell they want me to make sure that the company is always doing/saying awesome things. I am their official blogger, twitter, facebook, reddit, digg, stumbleupon, foursquare, and linkedin mediator. Also, if I feel like the company needs to do something cool, or undertake a huge project for wickedly sweet branding, it is my call to do so. I will also be writing press releases, websites, ghostwriting etc. etc. We will stay in Orem as they are in Salt Lake but they also have offices in LA and Portland.

I start on the 7th, and already have time off for the wedding.  Thanks to all who may have whispered a few prayers my direction. They were not overlooked and I truly appreciate it.

My news isn't as exciting as Dane's but I have started a new blog called Eat Out, Dine In. Dane and I go to new restaurants or restaurants we love and I review them, and after that we find a recipe that matches the food we ate at the restaurant, I make it and then write about it. I am really enjoying writing my blog and I have so many new restaurants to write about after the break. The URL for my blog is check it out!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Coming Soon...

an awesome video from the christensen family. 

Be excited. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Legitimate Post From Blaine

Sorry about my last post, but you know how it is. You write something up, you think it's so cool, and then you read it to yourself and you're like, "This is dumb." So you never post it. So then Amy does.

Anyway, I thought in the spirit of keeping the blog alive I would give an update and strongly encourage any and all members of the family to do the same, no matter how boring their lives might be (don't think your life is boring? Prove me wrong! POST!)

Things are really great out here in Provo. Finals have just barely started and while I am a bit nervous, I have full confidence that whether I do well or poorly, my parents will still love me (right, Mom?) The biggest news on that front is that both Amy and I passed our Stat Final. For those out here in the west, expect a party to celebrate this monumental achievement.

School aside, my social life has sprouted from the dormant seed of the past to the blossoming flower of the present. I've been chillin with my roommate Trace, making friends left and right, and perhaps most surprisingly of all, going on dates. It turns out the girls here are super nice and not as psychopathic as they may initially seem. As a matter of fact, this one girl Tiffany, who some had the privilege of meeting at our extremely successful family Christmas party, has in particular caught my interest. Realistically, nothing will happen, but being realistic is stupid. So, as one gossiper to another, I ask: Should I pursue something? Is that unwise with a mission in the near future? Is it better to stay friends or try to make something happen? Mind you, she's never dated seriously or even kissed a boy before! Do I have the audacity to take her lip virginity? Only time will tell.......

The only other really noteworthy thing was the Costa Rica trip that I, Amy, the young Whitmores, and the Jensens went on together. A splendid time was had by all. We did all sorts of crazy stuff like zip lining, hiking through the rain forest, crawling through flooded caves, and waking up before 7 am. A Costa Rica video is currently in the works, but for now I'll just post some pictures. Credit for these photos goes entirely to Samantha.

Please note that Grandma went zip lining. Be sure to mention it when you see her next.

Anyway, that's all I've got. I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's posts! Ta ta for now!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Amy's love life is dead.
its unfortunate but true.

And Amy feels that she should not have to post about Costa Rica because that is something all those slackers who say they have nothing to post about, can actually post about.

Scott and Krystal and
ANY of the jensens

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Come on people

Where are the posts, people? Hello! So many people have things to write about.

1. Amy, what's this I hear about your LOVE life?
2. Blaine (and Amy) COSTA RICA??!!
2. Meg, your shoes are fabulous but what's going on with Ty? Things still going well?
4. Jordan and Dane, we need a Montana update!
5. Dayna. Jen. We've never heard anything. Dayna, tell us about New York. Jen, post graduation plans?

xoxo Gossip Girl

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tribute to Black Friday

This Thanksgiving I went shopping on Black Friday for, if I am remembering correctly, the first time in my life. Although the mall was PACKED, and it took us (me, Ty, and one of Ty's mission buddies) nearly all day to find what we wanted, it was VERY worth it because I got these beautiful shoes:

This isn't the best or biggest picture, but that's right, GOLD COACH SHOES!! I am in love. It was between these and vans and I decided these are more feminine, which is better for my tastes, as I'm sure you are all very aware that I am a girly girl. The best part is that Ty saw them first in Macys and showed me them and we thought they were sweet but they were $70 and that is not in my normal price range. We left, and as I pondered the dilemma, I decided I wanted them bad enough so we went back to get them but on the way we saw the actual Coach store so we looked in there... they had them for $50!!! However, then they did not have my size. I nearly entered an episode of depression, thinking that I would have to go back to Macys and pay $70 for what could be a $50 shoe. THEN.... Ty is a genius and decided to take a picture of the price tag as proof and we showed Macys and they price matched!!!! Hallelujah. 

And that is how I came to be the owner of new gold coach shoes. Which is why I now love black friday. I also purchased some new black suede boots with no heel -- they are so cute! I could not get a picture of those though. I was jumping up for joy (literally) because I have been looking FOREVER. Ty was also jumping up for joy because now he doesn't have to look for them with me. BEST DAY EVER! 
